Platinum Report: Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture #123

PSN Name: ijustwantagood1
Platinum Number: 123
Title: Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe
Developer: @ChineseRoom
Difficulty: 1/10
Estimated Time: 10 hours

Get it here

WOW, it’s beautiful! Lets get that out of the way first and foremost. The moment you realise you are playing, rather than waiting for a cut scene to begin, you can’t argue that the graphics are anything but stunning. Wondering along the quant english country roads it is extremely difficult not to stop every few seconds and take a screen shot as the sunlight pours through the trees onto the local pub.

Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture has been out some time now. I purchased the game a month before it was a freebie on PSPlus, so, if you’re not like me, and have added this to your library, but not yet played it, do yourself  favour and jump right in!

Platinum Report: Everybody's Gone to the Rapture #123

Stand by the bars inside the two pubs for two minutes to earn a trophy

I really enjoyed this trophy list. It is nice to be able to do an initial play through of a game without worrying about missing something important, or picking a specific difficulty. You can sit back and enjoy the world The Chinese Room have created, along with trying to decipher the haunting storyline.

You will probably find you unlock just a handful of trophies during your first 6 or 7 hour play through. You’ll also probably find that the story was a little disjointed as you weren’t quite sure where to go. However, that is where the trophy list comes into it’s own. Forcing you to pretty much see everything and do everything to obtain all the trophies towards the platinum. I won’t lie, I did us a guide for this one – I would hazard a guess it impossible without one – but there’s no harm in that… is there?

Platinum Report: Everybody's Gone to the Rapture #123

There should be a trophy for getting through the game without sharing a screen shot – but that would be impossible!

No real skill is required to obtain these satisfying pings. No combos to remember, no bosses to kill without taking damage. It’s a tour de force of collecting and looking at things. 30 books, 30 maps, 5 pieces of graffiti with the added bonus of standing still. Enter a phone box, close the door and stand still. Enter a pub, wonder up to the bar, and stand still – twice. But, as mentioned before, having to watch each and every story moment means that on this second play you do get to see the story unfold properly. You get treated to the pain, emotion and the struggle of humanity’s last day. You’ll even get a trophy for trying to open each and every caravan door on a holiday park.

I highly recommend this game, and not just because it is an easy platinum if you’re a trophy hunter. Luckily for you, you can still enjoy it, even after I’ve experienced the Rapture.