How To Keep Your Twitch Stream Interesting

Many find that streaming on Twitch grants them the means to build a community online, or to meet other like-minded people. It can seem as though those running aTwitch channel are only interested in becoming big and famous, but due to how unlikely that is, it’s important to first focus on the fun aspect. This will, of course, improve your stream to begin with.

But how can you get started in this direction? How do you keep your Twitch stream as interesting as it can be? And, more than this, how can you keep yourself engaged, as streaming can sometimes feel repetitive and tiring if you don’t calibrate your actions correctly. Those are great questions to ask, but they’re not easy to answer. After all, every streamer will hold a personal philosophy on streaming, and this will either be in-line with what their audience is looking for, or not.

So, how can you keep your Twitch stream interesting, for you and your audience? While purchasing a DAB radio playing in the background or Spotify account for music is a good start, other advice can apply. Let’s get started:

Interact With The Points Systems

Interact with the points systems that Twitch offers. In your Twitch chat, you are afforded points that viewers can redeem once in a while. This might be a hydration check, or the ability to post a link in chat, or perhaps if they have enough, to be a moderator for a day. This incentivises people to watch for longer and more frequently, and works as a loyalty-points-lite system worth engaging with.