VX4 Premium Wireless Controller | Review

Most people would generally opt for the DualShock 4 when it comes to playing games on the PS4, however what about those times you need a second controller to play with a friend but don’t really want to fork out up to £50 for a second controller, what are the alternatives?

This is where the GioTeck VX4 Premium Wireless controller could come in handy. Generally coming in at around the £29.99 mark, this controller both looks and feels like a DualShock 4. It has the buttons all in the correct place and is as easy to set up as plugging in your cable and getting gaming.

The VX4 Premium Wireless controller comes in various colours, as you can see above, we tested out the purple version. This is certainly an out-there colour, but it would no doubt appeal to some. Luckily other colours are available.

One thing I did notice is the materials the controller is made from don’t exactly have a premium feel. The DualShock 4 certainly feels more sturdy compared to the cheaper feeling plastic of the VX4 Premium Wireless controller. Don’t get me wrong, the buttons, sticks and triggers are decent enough, they just feel a lot lighter to the touch than those on Sony’s official controller. Still, I suppose this is what you get for paying a cheaper price.

As mentioned, the face buttons, sticks, d-pad, shoulder buttons and triggers are all in the correct place, meaning it should be easy enough to get accustomed to using the controller from the off. The controller also includes the share, options and touchpad button, as well as a headphone jack. It’s also wireless with a 12 hour battery life, so you won’t find yourself having to charge it too often.

Using the controller for gaming doesn’t really offer anything new. To be honest you forget it is there half the time as it is so light. Once you get used to the subtle differences in shape and start to get engrossed in your game, you’ll probably forget you aren’t using a DualShock 4. Like I say, it’s not really all that much different and certainly won’t make your gaming experience any worse.

Final Impressions

There’s not a lot else to say about the VX4 Premium Wireless controller really. It does what it says on the box and does it well. I wouldn’t really consider it a ‘premium’ product, more of a cheaper alternative if you need a second controller which you’ll only really use when a friend is round. Although it’ll also make a handy backup should your DualShock 4 break for any reason.

This review was originally posted on our sister site dealsfromatoz.co.uk.

Gioteck VX4 Wireless Controller


Final Score



  • Good cheap alternative
  • Similar layout to DS4


  • Not premium