The @_wotta Report – Jan 12, 2017 | Weekday Gaming News

It is still very quiet as far as gaming news is concerned, which is why our videos are still a little bit on the short side. We could fill them our with stories not many care about, but we’ve not about that. So enjoy today’s byte sized news video. We’re sure it’ll pick up again soon.

Please remember to support our news and videos by liking and subscribing to our channel. Remember you can also download the audio version of The @_wotta Report and subscribe on iTunes.

News Links/Other News

Sony PS4 Firmware Beta Sign Up: You can register to be a beta tester anytime between today and the start of the beta in early February

LEGO City Undercover Trailer:

Horizon Zero Dawn Cinematic Trailer:

DiRT Rally VR Trailer:

Order Games we’ve talked about this week: