Life is Strange ‘Farewell’ – PS4 | Review

Life is Strange ‘Farewell’ is a bonus episode which you will own should you have opted for the Deluxe Edition of Before The Storm. Given that it is bonus content, it doesn’t quite match up to a full episode, coming in at around an hour long and not really offering as much depth as the previous five episodes you’ll have played.

What ‘Farewell’ does is wrap things up, bringing us full circle to just before Chloe’s father died and leads us up to the event before Max leaves town for Seattle. The main premise of the episode, therefore, is for Max to say goodbye, although as you’d expect, saying goodbye to your best friend is not easy.

‘Farewell’ opens in Chloe’s bedroom, with some TNT hijinks, before Max is given the task of cleaning up, although this isn’t easy when Chloe doesn’t want to throw any of her possessions away. Still, it gives Max the opportunity to look around, catching up and reminiscing on all their previous adventures, all while trying to build up the courage to tell Chloe that she’s leaving town for good. Maybe Chloe senses something is wrong because she constantly finds ways to distract Max, which leads to them reliving a pirate adventure from the past, seeing Max find her way through the loft in search of an amulet so that they can find a treasure buried deep within the garden.

Most of the episode is spent in the loft and garden, first pushing furniture and other obstacles out of Max’s way in order to negotiate the maze which is the loft, before solving a short and simple puzzle in the garden to reveal where X marks the spot. Once you find the treasure, it’s then simply a case of more reminiscing before Max finally bucks up the courage to tell Chloe she is leaving.

Just before the game ends you are met with a heart-wrenching moment which, if you have played all of the Life is Strange episodes so far, wraps things up and has you finally understand the full story of Max and Chloe’s friendship.

Final Conclusion

Life is Strange ‘Farewell’ is quite clearly a bonus episode in every sense. It’s short and lacking in a way which previous episodes have not, however it does do a good job of bringing the series so far to a close, therefore I would say it’s well worth checking out if you get the opportunity to do so.

Developer: / Publisher: Deck Nine / Square Enix
Release date: 09/03/2018
Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC
Platform Reviewed on: PS4 Pro

Life is Strange 'Farewell'


Final Score



  • Does a good job of wrapping up the story
  • Good Presentation
  • Good storytelling


  • Not quite as feature proof as previous episodes
  • Short