A Quick Guide to upgrading the PS5 SSD
This is a quick and simple guide to upgrading the PS5 NVMe drive. It is really easy to do, probably easier than upgrading the PS4 HDD, to be honest. There are probably better guides out there, but this gives you a rough and quick idea of how easy it is. I encountered no issues whatsoever, although I am quite good at technical things such as this, I do think anyone can do it really. Links to SSD: Scan SSD: https://www.scan.co.uk/products/1tb-s…
(sadly the deal with the free heatsink is now finished) The heatsink I used: https://www.scan.co.uk/products/xclio…
Amazon SSD Link (Cheaper): https://amzn.to/3Cuuv7W
Thanks for watching.